Docker Cheetsheet 🐳

Docker Cheetsheet 🐳


3 min read

Manage images

docker build

Create an image from a Dockerfile.

docker build [options] .
  -t "app/container_name"    # name
  --build-arg APP_HOME=$APP_HOME    # Set build-time variables

docker run

Deploys the container from docker image.

docker run [options] IMAGE
  # see `docker create` for options


Run a command in an image.

docker run -it debian:buster /bin/bash

Manage containers

docker Create

docker create [options] IMAGE
  -a, --attach               # attach stdout/err
  -i, --interactive          # attach stdin (interactive)
  -t, --tty                  # pseudo-tty
      --name NAME            # name your image
  -p, --publish 5000:5000    # port map (host:container)
      --expose 5432          # expose a port to linked containers
  -P, --publish-all          # publish all ports
      --link container:alias # linking
  -v, --volume `pwd`:/app    # mount (absolute paths needed)
  -e, --env NAME=hello       # env vars


Create a container from an image.

$ docker create --name app_redis_1 \
  --expose 6379 \

docker Exec

Command to login to the container,

docker exec [options] CONTAINER COMMAND
  -d, --detach        # run in background
  -i, --interactive   # stdin
  -t, --tty           # interactive


Run commands in a container.

docker exec app_web_1 tail logs/development.log
docker exec -t -i app_web_1 rails c

docker start/stop

Start/stop a container.

docker start [options] CONTAINER
  -a, --attach        # attach stdout/err
  -i, --interactive   # attach stdin

docker stop [options] CONTAINER

docker ps

Manage containers using ps/kill.

docker ps
docker ps -a
docker kill $ID

docker logs

See what's being logged in an container.

docker logs $ID
docker logs $ID 2>&1 | less
docker logs -f $ID # Follow log output


docker images

Manages images.

$ docker images
  ubuntu       12.10      b750fe78269d
  me/myapp     latest     7b2431a8d968
docker images -a   # also show intermediate

docker rmi

Deletes images.

docker rmi b750fe78269d

Clean up

Clean all

Cleans up dangling images, containers, volumes, and networks (ie, not associated with a container)

docker system prune

Additionally remove any stopped containers and all unused images (not just dangling images)

docker system prune -a


# Stop all running containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

# Delete stopped containers
docker container prune


Delete all the images

docker image prune [-a]


Delete all the volumes

docker volume prune


To view list of all the services runnning in swarm

docker service ls

To see all running services

docker stack services stack_name

to see all services logs

docker service logs stack_name service_name

To scale services quickly across qualified node

docker service scale stack_name_service_name=replicas

Clean up

To clean or prune unused (dangling) images

docker image prune

To remove all images which are not in use containers , add - a

docker image prune -a

To prune your entire system

docker system prune

To leave swarm

docker swarm leave

To remove swarm ( deletes all volume data and database info)

docker stack rm stack_name

To kill all running containers

docker kill $(docekr ps -q )

Also see

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